Dungeons and Dragons @ the Guild

The space at the Guild is open for a range of gaming events including Dungeons and Dragons. Currently we have three different campaigns running with three separate Dungeon Masters. We have additional space and days available for other experienced and new would be Dungeon Masters to start their own quests. DM that do not already have their own complete fellowship and are in need of new recruits should compile a short summary of the quest that can be shared with other D & D enthusiasts to attract them to your camp. For those interested, use the contact details at the end of this blog to get in touch.

Every Wed evening between 17:30 and 21:00, DM DinoG258 guides the fellowship through the mysterious World of make believe.

Saga of the Guardians. The world as we know is not what it seems a great evil has re-emerged from its slumber. An ancient force earing the safety of the Four primordial planes has summoned heroes granting them gifts and abilities to gather worthy souls to sally forth and push the evil back with the help of the protectors of old. Are they strong enough, are they wilful enough but most importantly are they loyal enough to their comrades and to their mission?

Chronicles of Kalyps plays out every Fri evening, 17:30 – 21:00, under the watchful eye of DM, Crimson.

The gods were at war. On many worlds, pantheons waged war against each other in a quest for the
worship of the sentient races. Elves, Men, Dwarves, and Orkin. The worship and belief of these races
imbued the gods with great power and magic, capable of making worlds……or breaking them.
The wars of the gods were destroying their worlds, and the sentient races were at risk of dying out. As
such a truce was called, and the world of Kalyps was created as a joint venture between the gods to act
as a battlefield in their ongoing quest for dominance.
Kalyps was created to be rich in resources and environments suitable for all kinds of warfare, and the
natural resources of the world were made to absorb and amplify the magic of the gods, resulting in
powerful magical artefacts; weapons, armour, and devices beyond the ken of the mortal races.
This was at the dawn of time, and as the sentient races advanced, they turned their attention away from
the gods. The gods were losing their powers, and the fighting intensified, as the stronger gods killed off
the weaker to herd the dwindling number of followers to their banners.

On Kalyps, this resulted in the worst wars yet, and the final battle, called Armageddon, Ragnarok, and
various other names by the sentient people resulted in a great cataclysm at the gates of the world,
where the gods arrived and departed the world. The gates of the world were on a neutral continent,
called Terminus, and was the sole way of traffic between Kalyps and other worlds and realms. The final
battle devastated Terminus with a devastating explosion, leaving the land a crater bordered by steep,
precipitous mountains. As Terminus was always bordered by wide seas to separate it from the wars, this
cut the continent off from the rest of the world completely, and the cosmic gate collapsing, it also cut the
whole of Kalyps off from the cosmos at large.

The people of Kalyps flocked to the devastated Terminus to try to fix the gate, but soon found
themselves stranded as in the absence of the gods, magic began to fade from the world, until all magical
endeavours were left dead or dormant, and the planet was stranded in a technological and magical dark
As time progressed the people of Terminus managed to bring life back to the continent; great forests
rose to the north west, populated by the elves, and wide open plains to the south became the domain
on man. Meanwhile the mountains to the north east the Dwarves and Orkin fought for dominion of the
mountainous ring surrounding the continent.
It has been over two thousand years since the cataclysm, and almost all record of the events have been
lost to time, being replaced by legend, myth, and superstition. Worship of the gods has died out in the
population centres, either through disbelief, or prohibition. But in more remote areas the wilder people
still whisper of the gods and pray for their return.

There are a variety of events taking place at the Guild every Saturday morning, including Dungeons and Dragons quest, orchestrated by DM, Fossilbigjosh:

A group of adventures have headed to the village of whispering pines as there have been rumours of people going missing at night and sounds of cackling from the woods. After investigating the town, the adventures find out that a village elder has been taken to a temple. Deep in the forest, after travelling through the dark forest, they found the temple and a goblin camp outside. After dealing with the Goblins, the adventures step foot inside the temple, not knowing what evil lies deep below!

To get involved of start your own campaign, you can contact Chris, chris @ guildofgames .co.uk or message us on Facebook. You can also join Discord.