Magic: The Gathering @ Guild of Games

Wizards Play Network (WPN) has at last come to sunny Rotherham! Guild of Games is now part of the official Wizards Play Network (WPN), which means that we are recognized by Wizards of the Coast, the company behind popular trading card game like Magic: The Gathering and also Dungeons & Dragons.

You no longer need to travel a long way to feed all your cravings that are MTG! Make Guild of Games your destination instead.

We are in the process of setting up official play offs as part of tournaments. In the meantime, our store is open to all MTG players to come in during the day: Tue – Fri 09:30 – 17:00 (with 14:30 – 15:00 off for lunch) . The store is also open in the evenings on Wed, Thu and Fri till 21:00. With additional demand, we are continuing to open up both more space and available time slots for people to get together to play MTG as well as other table top games. Now that you have a place right at your door steps, we look forward to welcoming you to our store.

You can contact us on Facebook. You can also connect with other MTG players and Gamers on our Discord channel.