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The long-awaited showdown between Ichigo and Byakuya Kuchiki has finally begun. Has Ichigo succeeded in mastering bankai, the highest level of power that a Soul Reaper can attain, to face Byakuya as an equal?
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Ayumu and his housemates are getting on just as if they were an actual warm (or, in his case, cold) and loving family. And with Eu under threat from a mysterious nemesis known only as the 'King of Night,' the motley crew is tighter than ever as they resolve to keep the 'shady necromancer' safe. But when the resident vampire ninja, Sera, receives...
The Hobbit & LOTR Book Set
Warcraft The Sunwell Trilogy
World War III is over, and nomad soldier Duenan Knute and her cyborg partner Briareos struggle to survive in the abandoned cities and demilitarized zones of the post-war wasteland, the 'Badside.' Matters appear on the upswing, however, when they are found and brought to Olympus, an urban utopia and centerpiece for the reconstruction of...