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Episodes 29-37 of the supernatural thriller anime series revolving around high school student Light Yagami, who possesses a notebook with a special power: it enables him to kill anyone whose name he writes in it. In this instalment, Light discovers that a similar notebook has fallen into the hands of a huge corporation, who are using its powers to…
Episodes 29-37 of the supernatural thriller anime series revolving around high school student Light Yagami, who possesses a notebook with a special power: it enables him to kill anyone whose name he writes in it. In this instalment, Light discovers that a similar notebook has fallen into the hands of a huge corporation, who are using its powers to eliminate rival businessmen. Episodes are: ‘Father’, ‘Justice’, ‘Transfer’ and ‘Selection’.
New, Mint, Good, Fair
One of the most influential examples of anime, Akira is based on the manga (comic book) by Katsuhiro Otomo. The story is set in the post-apocalyptic community of Neo-Tokyo. Tetsuo is a fiercely individualistic member of a scroungy motorcycle gang. The despotic authorities, the robot-like police, and even the cycle gang pursue Tetsuo when he's...
Ghost In The Shell - Stand Alone Complex (DVD)
The complete second season of the children's animation following four friends who travel into a parallel realm to protect their city from Gormiti creatures. The episodes are: 'The Rot of Gorm', 'Going Buggy', 'The Crystal Curse', 'The Forgotten Valley', 'Refracting Rock', 'Senseless', 'The Ring of Eternity', 'Diamonds Are an Evil Lord's Best...
Ghost in the Shell Vol 2 On the Trail of the Laughing Man