Dragon Ball Z Part 5 Vol 13 – 15, Episodes 118 – 146


Ep: 118: The Fearsome Children!! #18’s Great Struggle / Stunning Youngsters! No. 18’s Uphill Battle

Ep: 119: The Star Performer Takes the Stage! Take Down the Demon King!! / Enter the Headliner! The Looming Demon King!

Ep: 120: A Wicked Heart is Revived, Prince of Destruction Vegeta! / A Heart of Evil Awakened; Vegeta, Prince…

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Ep: 118: The Fearsome Children!! #18’s Great Struggle / Stunning Youngsters! No. 18’s Uphill Battle

Ep: 119: The Star Performer Takes the Stage! Take Down the Demon King!! / Enter the Headliner! The Looming Demon King!

Ep: 120: A Wicked Heart is Revived, Prince of Destruction Vegeta! / A Heart of Evil Awakened; Vegeta, Prince of Destruction

Ep: 121: I’m the Strongest! The Clash of Goku VS Vegeta / I am the Strongest! The Clash of Goku vs. Vegeta

Ep: 122: Countdown to Revival: Crush Babidi’s Ambitions!

Ep: 123: The Seal is Broken!? Gohan’s Kamehameha of Resistance / The Seal is Released? Gohan’s Kamehame-Ha of Resistance

Ep: 124: A Straight Line to Despair!? Terror of Majin Buu / Straightaway Into Despair? The Terror of Majin Buu

Ep: 125: Turn Into Sweets! A Hungry Majin’s Weird Power / Turn Into Candy! A Hungry Majin’s Bizarre Power!

Ep: 126: I’ll Take Care of the Majin, Vegeta’s Final Desperate Battle! / I Will Deal With the Majin! Vegeta’s Final Mortal Combat!

Ep: 127: For Those Whom He Loves… The Last Moment of the Proud Warrior! / For His Beloved Ones… The End of the Proud Warrior!

Ep: 128: The Nightmare Returns; The Immortal Monster, Majin Buu! / A Nightmare Revisited: The Immortal Monster Majin Buu!

Ep: 129: Secret Plan to Defeat Buu, Its Name is Fusion! / A Secret Plan to Defeat Buu! Its Name is Fusion

Ep: 130: A Faint Hope in Sight! The Warriors Wake Up!! / Found! A Faint Ray of Hope – Awaken, Warriors!

Ep: 131: Find the Nuisances, Babidi’s Revenge Plan Begins!! / Find the Nuisances: Babidi’s Retaliation Begins!

Ep: 132: The Time of Ordeal, Attain the Legendary Power! / A Time of Trials! Lay Hold of Legendary Powers!

Ep: 133: Delay Majin Buu, The Limit! Super Saiyan 3!! / Hold Majin Buu in Check! Limit — Super Saiyan 3!

Ep: 134: Standing Up For Himself, Buu’s Rebellion! / True Worth Beginning to Show – The Treacherous Buu!

Ep: 135: Awful Looking!? Special Training, Fusion Pose! / Silly Looking? Drilling the Fusion Pose!

Ep: 136: Bye-Bye Everyone!! Son Goku Returns to the Other World / Bye-bye, Everyone! Goku Returns to the Next World

Ep: 137: Found You, Gohan! Harsh Training in the Realm of the Kais! / Gohan Located! Intensive Training in the World of the Kais!

Ep: 138: Birth! Combine Super Warrior, His Name is Gotenks!! / Birth of a Merged Superwarrior His Name is Gotenks!

Ep: 139: Who Will Be the One to Defeat the Majin? The Beginning of the Strongest Man!! / Who Will Defeat Majin Buu? The Mightiest of Men Moves Out!

Ep: 140: The Power-Up Continues!? Perfected! Super Gotenks! / The Powering Up Continues? Super Gotenks is Achieved!

Ep: 141: Born From Anger – Another Majin! / What Anger Gives Rise To Another Majin!

Ep: 142: Buu Eats Buu – A New Majin Attacks!! / Buu Gobbles Up Buu! Onslaught of a New Majin!

Ep: 143: Head Straight towards the Catastrophe! One Hour Time Limit!! / Headlong Rush Into Catastrophe! A One-Hour Time Limit!

Ep: 144: Special Training Completed! You’re Finished Now, Majin Buu!! / Training Complete! You’re Finished Now, Majin Buu!

Ep: 145: Buu Eliminated With Ghosts! A Surefire Kamikaze Attack!! / Eliminating Buu with Ghosts: A Knockout Kamikaze Attack!

Ep: 146: The Reserved Transformation of Gotenks! Super Gotenks 3!! / Gotenks’ Ace in the Hole! Transformation! Super Gotenks 3!

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