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In a futuristic Japan governed by the Internet, Major Motoko Kusunagi, an ultra-sophisticated cyborg woman, is haunted by ontological questions. She belongs, despite herself, to a muscular cyber-police equipped with almost unlimited means to fight against computer crime.
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One of the most influential examples of anime, Akira is based on the manga (comic book) by Katsuhiro Otomo. The story is set in the post-apocalyptic community of Neo-Tokyo. Tetsuo is a fiercely individualistic member of a scroungy motorcycle gang. The despotic authorities, the robot-like police, and even the cycle gang pursue Tetsuo when he's...
Avatar, Legend Of Aang Book 1 Vol 2 (DVD)
Ghost In The Shell (DVD)
Collected volume of the Japanese anime series. When three girls are about to graduate from school and attend different high schools, their dismay at being separated leads them to make a wish under a cherry tree, that they will always be together. Little do they know that the tree spirit Mokona has heard their wish, and chooses the girls to defend...