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Kagome is an ordinary modern schoolgirl living an ordinary life. Who would have thought the dried-up old well on the site of her family’s shrine would be a gateway to Japan’s ancient past? Drawn through the gate against her will, Kagome finds herself battling demons for control of what she thought was a worthless trinket but is actually a powerful…
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Kagome is an ordinary modern schoolgirl living an ordinary life. Who would have thought the dried-up old well on the site of her family’s shrine would be a gateway to Japan’s ancient past? Drawn through the gate against her will, Kagome finds herself battling demons for control of what she thought was a worthless trinket but is actually a powerful magical gem, the Shikon Jewel! Together with an unlikely ally, the half demon Inuyasha, Kagome begins a quest to recover the shards of the Shikon Jewel and learn more about her link to the past.
Warcraft The Sunwell Trilogy
Kalecgyos, a member of a decimate race of blue dragons, quests towards the elven kingdom of Quel'Thalas in search of answers, but he will have to deal with a vengeful dwarf, the army of the Undead Scourge, and the mystery behind an enchanting peasant girl before he can finally obtain what he seeks.
Dungeons & Dragons - Dragons of Stormwreck Isle Starter Set
Envy, lust, sloth, wrath, gluttony, pride, greed.A group of sinners who bear the guilt of the seven deadly sins has been gathered in an old courthouse to face judgement. To leave this place alive, they must offer up a sacrifice - one of their number. As the trial begins, who will the gavel fall on first?