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The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe is a definitive action adventure based on the Walt Disney Pictures and Walden Media film capturing the renowned and beloved book series from author C.S. Lewis. Players enter the world of Narnia, a land frozen in eternal winter by the evil powers of the malevolent and evil White Witch….
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The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe is a definitive action adventure based on the Walt Disney Pictures and Walden Media film capturing the renowned and beloved book series from author C.S. Lewis. Players enter the world of Narnia, a land frozen in eternal winter by the evil powers of the malevolent and evil White Witch. In order to end this frigid captivity and free his people, the mighty lion Aslan, true ruler of Narnia, invokes an ancient prophecy. It will become the destiny of four young siblings from our world: Peter, Susan, Edmund and Lucy Pevensie to work together and use their unique combat skills, weaponry and abilities to defeat the Witch and her armies and save Narnia. These four unlikely heroes must battle the evil forces of the White Witch by waging war against a vast variety of creatures, including Centaurs, Minotaurs, Minoboars, Cyclops, Werewolves, Wraiths, Ankleslicers, Wolves, Satyrs, Boggles and more.
Animal Crossing Isabelle Tomodachi Doll - Vol 1
Train R2-D2 to master various skills with STAR WARS R2-D2 TAMAGOTCHI. Take care of R2-D2 by keeping him charged and clean and by playing two mini-games (firefighting and Dejarik/holochess). There are 19 skills for R2-D2 to learn and 7 mini-games for him to unlock, depending on his skill level. Make sure you keep your R2-D2 happy. If you neglect...
Animal Crossing Marshal Tomodachi Doll - Vol 1
Pokémon Clip 'N' Go Charmander and Poké Ball