The Sky Crawlers


Feature-length anime, directed by Mamoru Oshii, set in a future Earth where war has been banished. Although wars are a thing of the past, the human need for conflict has caused private companies to create staged combat battles between genetically created fighter pilots called ‘Kildren’. Engineered to remain in adolescence until they are shot down…

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Feature-length anime, directed by Mamoru Oshii, set in a future Earth where war has been banished. Although wars are a thing of the past, the human need for conflict has caused private companies to create staged combat battles between genetically created fighter pilots called ‘Kildren’. Engineered to remain in adolescence until they are shot down in battle, one young pilot, Yuichi (voice of Ryo Kase), arrives at his new base facing an indeterminate future.

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New, Mint, Good, Fair