Yu-Gi-Oh OTS @ Guild of Games

Guild of Games is a Yu-Gi-Oh Official Tournament Store. Tournaments are held every Thu evening between 17:30 and 21:00. Anyone wanting to take part needs a Konami ID to register for the tournaments. If you do not have one, you can register at the Konami website. Once you have your Konami ID, you can register for the next upcoming tournament either online, at Konami or in store, Guild of Games, 8 High Street, Rotherham S60 1PP. Parking near the store is free after 6pm but be sure not to park in any disabled designated parking spots! You can contact the Guild on Facebook or make direct contact with other like minded Yu-Gi-Oh players on our Discord channel.

The tournament entry fee is £6 which includes a Yu-Gi-Oh OTS card pack with prizes for the winner and runner up. Tournament results are submitted to Konami. Soft drinks and light snacks are available in store.