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Blue and Gold (Booster Gold)by Geoff Johns, Jeff Katz, Dan Jurgens and Norm Rapmund
When disgraced future sports star Michael Carter discovered a time-travel device, he came to our time intent on becoming superhero Booster Gold – and making a fast buck! They were the duo who once bought an island and turned it into a casino -…
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When disgraced future sports star Michael Carter discovered a time-travel device, he came to our time intent on becoming superhero Booster Gold – and making a fast buck! They were the duo who once bought an island and turned it into a casino – until it uprooted itself and swam away. Booster Gold and Blue Beetle, Justice League members and longtime friends, have opened pandora’s box. OMAC soldiers are on the rampage, many of the old JLA are dead or missing, and all because Booster saved his friend’s life. They may be back in the saddle now…but for how long? Written by comics superstar Geoff Johns (’52’), with art by Dan Jurgens (‘The Death of Superman’), this brand-new series spans the whole of comics’ history – and future!
Kalecgyos, a member of a decimate race of blue dragons, quests towards the elven kingdom of Quel'Thalas in search of answers, but he will have to deal with a vengeful dwarf, the army of the Undead Scourge, and the mystery behind an enchanting peasant girl before he can finally obtain what he seeks.
You guys...haven't noticed? She's goin' commando!Secretly jumping for joy in his undeadest of hearts when Eu writes him a note that says, 'I want you to hold me tight' (Disgusting.), Ayumu will have to give it his best (Vile!!) if he wants to get a word or move in edgewise (Sick.) under Sera's ever-vigilant eye! But now that the danger from the...
Dungeons & Dragons - Starter Set
Welcome to Baldur's Gate, a city of ambition and corruption. You’ve just started your adventuring career, but already find yourself embroiled in a plot that sprawls from the shadows of Baldur's Gate to the front lines of the planes-spanning Blood War! Do you have what it takes to turn infernal war machines and nefarious contracts against...