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Sci-fi anime feature adapted from Yasutaka Tsutsui's 1965 novel 'Toki o Kakeru Shojo'. High school student Makoto Konno (voice of Riisa Naka) discovers that she possesses the ability to travel through time and space, and uses the gift to readjust past events in her favour. However, as she learns that every change she makes has the potential for...
Japanese anime episode based on the popular manga and video game. Naruto and the others arrive at the Village Hidden in the Waterfall on an escort mission for Shibuki, the young leader of the village. Things seems peaceful until Kakashi leaves on urgent business and the village is attacked by Suien, a former Hidden Waterfall jonin, and his band of...
The year is 2030, and an influx of refuges have effortlessly transformed themselves into a terrorist organization known as the 'Individual Eleven.' With a sadistic intent of mass destruction, will they triumph in victory or discover the gloomy pitfalls of defeat? The Individual Eleven tells the story of the entire second season of Stand Alone...
Narauto Unleashed Series 3 Part 1
Anime instalment of the cult 'Highlander' franchise. Director Yoshiaki Kawajiri pairs up with original Highlander writer David Abramowitz to create a new feature-length adventure for the sci-fi fantasy tale of ancient Scots warrior Colin McLeod (voice of Shun Oguri). MacLeod has traveled through the ages searching for fellow immortal, Marcus...
First 13 episodes of the first series of this popular anime adapted from the best-selling manga created by Masashi Kishimoto. Long ago, a powerful Demon Fox appeared in peaceful Konoha, the Village Hidden in the Leaves. Their families and homes threatened by this evil force, the Shinobis - or ninjas - fought long and hard to protect themselves but...
Episodes 22-26 of the anime adventure series. Across time and space, the power of karma dictates that old souls will be reincarnated to right the wrongs of history. Hikaru is a 17-year-old high school student who has inherited the apartment complex Minamoto Heights. Driven by a need to complete what was left unfinished, she is joined by Tsuna, a...
Episodes 18-21 of the anime adventure series. Across time and space, the power of karma dictates that old souls will be reincarnated to right the wrongs of history. Hikaru is a 17-year-old high school student who has inherited the apartment complex Minamoto Heights. Driven by a need to complete what was left unfinished, she is joined by Tsuna, a...
Episodes 14-17 of the anime adventure series. Across time and space, the power of karma dictates that old souls will be reincarnated to right the wrongs of history. Hikaru is a 17-year-old high school student who has inherited the apartment complex Minamoto Heights. Driven by a need to complete what was left unfinished, she is joined by Tsuna, a...
Episodes 6-9 of the anime adventure series. Across time and space, the power of karma dictates that old souls will be reincarnated to right the wrongs of history. Hikaru is a 17-year-old high school student who has inherited the apartment complex Minamoto Heights. Driven by a need to complete what was left unfinished, she is joined by Tsuna, a...
Episodes 10-13 of the anime adventure series. Across time and space, the power of karma dictates that old souls will be reincarnated to right the wrongs of history. Hikaru is a 17-year-old high school student who has inherited the apartment complex Minamoto Heights. Driven by a need to complete what was left unfinished, she is joined by Tsuna, a...
Episodes 1-5 of the anime adventure series. Across time and space, the power of karma dictates that old souls will be reincarnated to right the wrongs of history. Hikaru is a 17-year-old high school student who has inherited the apartment complex Minamoto Heights. Driven by a need to complete what was left unfinished, she is joined by Tsuna, a...
A vicious crime gang uses a period of political and social unrest to wrestle power from the ailing government. Within the Camellia Blossoms gang a group of killers is being trained, but one of them escapes with the help of his older brother. As punishment the older brother is turned into their weapon of death. Three years later a youngster full of...
Feature-length sequel to the 'Streetfighter 2' series. Warriors Ken and Ryu have an unhappy reunion following the death of their master, and the latter is further disturbed by the appearance of Shun - the young brother he never knew he had. Shun proves his lineage with a dazzling display of Dark Hadou fighting skills , but before he and Ryu can...
Episodes 49-72 of the anime series following the adventures of a young girl who is determined to join an organisation of wizards. Membership of the organisation known as 'Fairy Tail' is Lucy Heartfilia (voice of Aya Hirano)'s goal when she runs away from home, but she will have to face many challenges if she is to realise her dream. The episodes...
Fairy Tail - Part 1 (DVD)
Eden Of The East (DVD)
Evangelion 1:11
Claymore Collection Complete Series (DVD)
Ghost in the Shell 2 - Innocence (DVD)
Anime sequel. Ryu has returned to pay homage to his deceased mentor, and sets out to improve his street fighting skills after he is plagued by nightmares of his master's killer. But in order to fully progress, Ryu has to confront his arch-nemesis, Gouki.
First volume of the new series, as the surviving members of Section 9 regroup and try to continue with their work, under a new regime that has effectively rendered them inoperable. In this volume, Section 9 try to deal with a hostage situation at the Chinese embassy, and the AI elements of a new generation of attack helicopters malfunction....
Ghost in the Shell Vol 2 On the Trail of the Laughing Man
Ghost In The Shell Stand Alone Complex Vol. 01 (DVD)
Collected volume of the Japanese anime series. When three girls are about to graduate from school and attend different high schools, their dismay at being separated leads them to make a wish under a cherry tree, that they will always be together. Little do they know that the tree spirit Mokona has heard their wish, and chooses the girls to defend...
In the year 2097 in the city of Neo Hong Kong, man and machine have melded nicely and the city has been blooming with technological advances. However, an entity that takes over the machines called the Virus is becoming a problem. For this problem, there exists the organization STAND equipped with their Gears (machine suits) led by the mysterious...
12,090 A.D. The earth is plagued with vampires and Count Magnus Lee is in charge of the motley crew. 'D' is the name of the mysterious vampire, and represents the only hope for good over evil
Shadow Skill, The Movie + Epilogue (DVD)
The complete second season of the children's animation following four friends who travel into a parallel realm to protect their city from Gormiti creatures. The episodes are: 'The Rot of Gorm', 'Going Buggy', 'The Crystal Curse', 'The Forgotten Valley', 'Refracting Rock', 'Senseless', 'The Ring of Eternity', 'Diamonds Are an Evil Lord's Best...
Avatar, Legend Of Aang Book 1 Vol 2 (DVD)
Avatar, Legend Of Aang Book 1 Vol 1 (DVD)
Original Japanese Dialogue with English / Chinese Subtitles
Trunks, a mysterious warrior from the future, has arrived to warn Son Goku of a horrendous menace that could destroy the universe. Dr. Gero, the diaboical genius of the Red Ribbon Army, has constructed androids designed to defeat Goku and take over the world. Goku must locate and destroy these androids before they're activated, or face certain...
Ep: 118: The Fearsome Children!! #18's Great Struggle / Stunning Youngsters! No. 18's Uphill Battle Ep: 119: The Star Performer Takes the Stage! Take Down the Demon King!! / Enter the Headliner! The Looming Demon King! Ep: 120: A Wicked Heart is Revived, Prince of Destruction Vegeta! / A Heart of Evil Awakened; Vegeta, Prince of Destruction Ep:...
Vol 1: Spike, Jet, Faye and Ed - cowboys on the new frontier. Together this band of interplanetary bounty hunters takes on the jobs that anyone in their right mind would turn down. Vol 4: Fourth volume of the Japanese anime series about a group of futuristic bounty hunters. Cyborg ex-cop Jet teams up with former mafia gangster Spike, now captain...
Gundam Wing Vol 9 (DVD)
Gundam Wing Vol. 8 (DVD)
When a group of teenagers discovers that their parents are actually super-villains, they run away from home... but that's only step one! Now that the evil Pride is gone, nearly every bad guy in the Marvel Universe is trying to fill the power vacuum in Los Angeles, and the Runaways are the only heroes who can stop them! Plus: What does a mysterious...
Aluminum Alloy Pill Keychain Holder Small Pill Box Pill Case Waterproof Pill Organizer Stonego Portable Pill Holder Keychain with Mini Dice Set
Punish Your Bad Dice in Style: D&D Dice Jail Cage - Perfect Gift for Role Playing Games!
Dungeons & Dragons - Dragonlance: Shadow Of The Dragon Queen
Dungeons & Dragons - Van Richtens Guide to Ravenloft
Dungeons & Dragons - Explorers Guide to Wildemount
Dungeons & Dragons - Acquisitions Incorporated
Tenfold Dungeon - The Town
Fold Up Velvet Dice Tower: Purple
These dice towers bring style and ease of use to your gaming sessions! When paired with a dice tray, you’ll never worry about your gaming table or your dice again. Each tower folds flat to fit in your folder or backpack, and magnetically snaps into shape when you’re ready to game.
Ultra Pro - D20 Plush Dice Bag - Blue
Ultra Pro - D20 Plush Dice Bag - Purple
Broke young man + chainsaw demon = Chainsaw Man! Denji was a small-time devil hunter just trying to survive in a harsh world. After being killed on a job, he is revived by his pet devil Pochita and becomes something new and dangerous—Chainsaw Man! Denji’s gotten too famous! After a news program broadcasts Chainsaw Man’s heroics, the whole...
Midoriya inherits the superpower of the world’s greatest hero, but greatness won’t come easy. What would the world be like if 80 percent of the population manifested superpowers called “Quirks”? Heroes and villains would be battling it out everywhere! Being a hero would mean learning to use your power, but where would you go to study? The...
Tanjiro sets out on the path of the Demon Slayer to save his sister and avenge his family! In Taisho-era Japan, Tanjiro Kamado is a kindhearted boy who makes a living selling charcoal. But his peaceful life is shattered when a demon slaughters his entire family. His little sister Nezuko is the only survivor, but she has been transformed into a...
Theres always something going on at night. Sooner or later, youll find your scene. Emi Ashiana is 24, unemployed and not really sure what she wants to do with her life. When a friend invites her to a dance club, Emi doesnt expect much. But what she finds will change her world! A lively, heartfelt story set in the club music scene about a queer...
From the makers of the YuGiOh trading card game comes Cardfight!! Vanguard, the manga that inspired the hit Vanguard card game. In similar fashion to YuGiOh and Magic the Gathering, the teenage cast of Cardfight!! Vanguard play a high-fantasy themed card game - initially they play for kicks, but eventually the stakes grow much higher...
Vanguard is an exciting new trading card game from the creators of Yu-Gi-Oh! Much like its predecessor, this game combines high-fantasy action with fun and vibrant stories and character design. The first printing of each volume of Vanguard will come with an exclusive rare level trading card, which gamers will prize highly as a hard-to-find...
From the makers of the YuGiOh trading card game comes Cardfight!! Vanguard, the manga that inspired the hit Vanguard card game. In similar fashion to YuGiOh and Magic the Gathering, the teenage cast of Cardfight!! Vanguard play a high-fantasy themed card game - initially they play for kicks, but eventually the stakes grow much higher... The basis...
Appleseed takes place in the 22nd century, after the non-nuclear Third World War has led to the destruction of a majority of the Earth's people. While countries like Great Britain, USA and China have difficulty maintaining order and power, international organizations like the 'Sacred Republic of Munma' and 'Poseidon' have been established in the...
Avengers 3-in-1 Colouring Book